2819 result(s)
- Freddy Durrleman et le pasteur Nick à Salonique
- Carnet de Victor Rivet
- Aumonier Daniel Saintenac à Ly Fontaine
- Daniel Saintenac
- Wilfred Monod (1867-1943)
- Etienne Lhermenault, Président du CNEF
- logo de la fédération universelle des étudiants chrétiens
- Leuenberg
- Logo du conseil d’églises chrétiennes en France
- Strasbourg, une ville qui accueille la Réforme
- Logo du CNEF
- Musée de Ferrières
- Le pasteur Florence Blondon
- Number of Baptist Churches in France
- Map of the Protestant landmarks in the North
- Protestant regions in 16th century France
- The Reformation in Europe
- Itinerary throughout the "welsch villages"
- Itinerary of simultaneous Churches
- Protestantism in France circa 1815
- Map of the historical center, Strasburg
- Nearby refuges of the French Protestants after the Revocation
- War of the Camisards (1702-1705)
- Important Protestant centers in the 17th century in France