2819 result(s)
- Crest and its tower
- An inn yard
- Calvin's cup
- Izoard mountain pass
- Saint-André castle
- Chestnut tree in Truinas
- Césarine
- Arminius (1560-1609)
- Pastor Etienne Gibert
- An oration house in Arvert (17)
- Stone box
- Historical and critical dictionary, Pierre Bayle
- Pierre Bayle, copy of the painting by Louis Ferdinand Elle
- François de Broche's will in French (December, 8, 1567)
- Letters from Toulouse: Angliviel de la Beaumelle (1763)
- The Protestant families record marriages and births After the Edict of Tolerance.
- The Mas d'Azil inhabitants foreswear in 1685, Ariège
- For the flock without a shepherd
- Bordes sur Arize, Ariège
- Church and Power’, Bulletin n° 165 of CPED, december 1971
- Map of Sainte Croix Island, set up by Champlain in 1612
- Map of Sainte Croix Island
- Map of great acadian migrations during the 17th and 18th centuries
- Rousseau moves out of the Ermitage with a carriage, illustration by Maurice