Fondation pasteur Eugène Bersier
1 rue Denis Poisson
75017 Paris, France
Tél : +33 1 45 74 31 24
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Pursuant to the French Data Protection Act of 6th January 1978, the customer has the right to access and correct personal data. For this reason, we have provided free access for the amendment of your personal data. The pasteur Eugène Bersier foundation declares its customer files to the CNIL (French National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties) (approval number 533215).
Article 1 of the French Data Protection Act:
Information technology must be at the service of each citizen. It must be developed within the framework of international cooperation. It must not harm human identity, human rights, privacy, or individual or public freedoms. (To access the text of the law).
Editorial team : Fondation pasteur Eugène Bersier
Design and production: Aggelos communications agency
Each of the photos on the site is presented with iconographic credit. In the event of error on our part, the necessary alterations will be made, and following the justified request of the person entitled to do so.
Reproduction rights
The Virtual Museum of Protestantism ( presents texts, photos, images, videos, and audio extracts, to illustrate major events, characters and objects of French Protestantism. All reproductions rights on all types of media are reserved. However the reproduction of these items for a private and non-profit making purpose is permitted. Permission must be sought for any other cases, notably reproduction in digital format online or offline, and reproduction in paper or audio-visual format, intended for the public, whether free of charge or against payment.
Since 1st July 2008, the Virtual Museum of Protestantism has no longer granted permission for images presented on its website. Persons interested must contact the institutions named in the image credits directly, as for example: SHPF, The Désert Museum, etc.