Emerging at the end of the 1960s, in Catholic circles in Latin America, Liberation theologies developed widely. They denounced the oppression of which the poor were victims. These injustices had...
Feminist theologies are grounded in the great movement for women’s rights born around 50 years ago in the USA, in order to reassess their place both in society and in...
Jacques Ellul was a protestant academic from Bordeaux with a deep faith who sought to destroy conformity in all its aspects. He achieved notoriety through the many articles he had...
Cette région comprend les départements de la Seine-Maritime (76), de l’Eure (27), du Calvados (14), de l’Orne (61) et de la Manche (50). Tant en Basse-Normandie qu’en Haute-Normandie, les vestiges...
The Lutheran Reformation movement was a crucial event in German history. This theological and religious revolution had a major effect on German politics, language and culture. Today Germany has several...
Although the Low Countries and Belgium (which was in fact part of the latter for several centuries) had shared a common history in the past, the consequences of the events...
There was fierce opposition to the Reform Movement, so it never really took a permanent hold in these two countries. The Jesuits in Italy, and especially the Spanish Inquisition, were...
The Thirty Year War, fought over both religious and political issues, devastated Germany in the XVIIth century. At the beginning it was a religious conflict between the Protestant princes and...
At the beginning of the XVIth century, Scandinavia consisted of two kingdoms : one was made up of Norway and Denmark and the other Sweden and Finland. They both loosely belonged...
The history of Dutch protestantism basically consists of a long-drawn out battle against Spain, who held sway over the country in the second part of the XVIth century and at...
Reformed protestantism is deeply rooted in Switzerland because of Calvin, who lived in Geneva and Zwingli, who lived in Zurich. The Swiss Confederation goes back to the XIIth century ; it...
Le département de Loire-Atlantique fait partie aujourd’hui de la région Pays de la Loire mais, au XVIe siècle, Nantes était la capitale de la Bretagne et la résidence des ducs...
Le département du Morbihan possède deux châteaux ayant appartenu à la famille des Rohan qui s’illustrèrent dans la défense du protestantisme au XVIe siècle et début du XVIIe siècle.
The Seventh day adventist Church has its roots in the Reformation movement of the XVIth century and the Revival movement of the XIXth century ; the latter being the stronger influence....
The French Reformed Church (Eglise Réformée de France) was founded in 1938 ; its origins go back to the XVIth century to the reformed Churches which were set up by Jean...
The Mennonite Churches go back to the radical Reform movement of the XVIth century ; they were persecuted in Switzerland, then settled along the Rhine valley. In the XVIIth century there was a...