Conflict between the monarchy and Parliament led to civil war and the first revolution in England; this resulted in Oliver Cromwell and the puritans coming to power. Due to religious...
The Industrial revolution brought with it many significant changes in society. Against this back ground the Methodist Revival movement was born. Talented preachers would address large crowds in the open,...
Alongside the radical reform within the Church of England, two significant movements developed within it: the first was the Oxford movement, which advocated drawing closer to the Catholic Church, and...
Throughout the 20th century the Church of England became progressively more and more independent from the State ; it was run on increasingly democratic lines, with the laity taking greater responsibility...
The Church of Scotland was founded by John Knox in 1560 ; it is Presbyterian and Calvinist. When the kings of Scotland were also ruling in England they tried to transform...
Jean Sturm was a great protestant humanist, but he will be especially remembered as having been an outstanding headmaster of the “Gymnase” or secondary school in Strasbourg. He was also...
Au XVIIe siècle, à la suite de l’édit de Nantes (1598) qui accorde aux protestants le droit de cité en France, les œuvres littéraires émanant d’écrivains protestants sont surtout des...
Le XVIIIe siècle est celui où le protestantisme n’a pu s’exprimer ouvertement en France, au cours de la période qui va de la révocation de l’édit de Nantes (1685) à...
In the XIVth century, Jean Hus introduced the Reform Movement to Bohemia and Moravia (these two countries are now known as Czechoslovakia), where it caught on quickly with the local...
Pastors appointed to a parish have many points in common: their vocation, their theological training and the tasks they have been given to do. However, each protestant Church has different...