The pastor Pierre-Charles Toureille (1900-1976), was greatly marked by the first World War and the creation of Czechoslovakia, campaigned for friendship between the nations. When the Second World War erupted...
The Hottinguer family was from Zurich, and gave birth to a line of Protestant pastors, intellectuals and bankers. In the 18th century two branches stood out, one of pastors and...
Wesley est sans doute l’une des figures les plus marquantes du protestantisme. Pasteur anglican formé à l’université d’Oxford, il est issu de ce mélange singulier d’anglicanisme, de dissidence et de...
During the first war of religion, Lyon was the intellectual and political capital of French Protestantism (1562-1563). The history of Protestant domination, then its ebbing and finally its failure, was...
The Church os Saint Paul was built between 1892 and 1897 by the architect Ludwig Müller in the neo-Gothic style for the Imperial German garrison. It is one of outstanding...
In 1873, the deaconesses clinic was built by the architect Emile Salomon, and was then located in the Finkwiller quarter next to the civil hospitals compound.
The Church of Saint William and its adjoining convent were erected between 1298 and 1307 for hermit monks on the initiative of Knight Henri de Müllenheim.
The New Church of Saint Peter was built between 1250 and 1320 on the site of a former church of the early Middle Ages, and accommodated a college of canons...
The site of the Old Church of Saint Peter was marked by a Christian presence as early as the 4th century. Two churches, one Catholic and one Lutheran presently stand...
Heir to the French parish founded by Jean Calvin when he stayed in Strasbourg between 1538 and 1541, then headed by his successor Pierre Brully, the Church of the Shield...
On the 15th of April 1598, Henri IV signed, very likely at the castle of the dukes of Brittany, the famous ‘perpetual and irrevocable edict of Tolerance’ awarding freedom of...