La Réforme a voulu donner à tous un accès direct à la Parole de Dieu recueillie dans la Bible. Tous les Réformateurs se sont attachés à la traduire en langue...
Ils servent à distribuer le pain et le vin aux fidèles, en mémoire de la Cène instituée par le Christ avant sa mort. Les plats et coupes de communion sont...
In the 19th century, the Protestant press could express their views freely. As the number of doctrinal trends increased so did the number of periodicals. Various association also produced their...
Des plaques commémoratives sont apposées sur de nombreux lieux de mémoire du protestantisme. Des stèles ou des sculptures sont érigées pour commémorer certains événements. Des monuments magnifient l’épopée huguenote dans...
Au XVIe siècle, les arts décoratifs sont représentés par le grand Bernard Palissy (1510-1590), potier émailleur qui avait son atelier au Louvre. À Limoges, grand centre des émaux, la plupart...
The Protestant community was no longer clandestine and needed to be reorganised. The Concordat imposed a new institutional framework which ensured the protection of the State, but also caused a...
The Concordat with the Organic Articles, ruled the organisation of Protestant as well as Catholic churches. It did not comprise any restrictive measures, and pastors were to be paid by...
During the second republic, the planned restitution of the synodal system was never accomplished. In 1852 Napoleon III reinstated local churches, but the lack of a central authority led to...
The 19th century was marked by a new theological climate. The confrontation of trends of thought was upheld by the influence of German theology, by the spread of historical criticism...
During the 19th century, Protestant theology took a major turn. The new theological climate resulted from four factors : the development of biblical criticism, a new conception of truth, the secularisation...
Theological liberalism was characterised by its extended freedom in doctrinal matters and by a new approach to the Bible resulting from the historical-critical methods of reading.