Protestant theology
in the 20th century -
Divisions and regroupings
in the Reformed Church -
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)
Wilfred Monod (1867-1943)
Dietrich Bonhœffer (1906-1945)
Karl Barth (1886-1968)
Suzanne de Dietrich (1891-1981)
Madeleine Barot (1909-1995)
The Pomeyrol Theses
Jacques Ellul (1912-1994)
Paul Tillich (1886-1965)
Process Theology
Liberation Theology
Feminist Theologies
Paul Ricœur (1913-2005)
Theology in the 20th century
Theological thought and research in the 20th century can be divided into three periods: up until the late 1920s, from the 1930s to the 1970s, and since the 1970s.